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Daytona Beach Debt Attorney

In the second quarter of 2019, Florida experienced the third-highest credit card debt increase among all states that year with $66.4 billion. That’s $9,278 per household—and that’s only on credit cards.

woman managing her money

Overwhelming debt is one of the worst financial situations a person or a business can face. It takes a significant toll on an individual’s disposition, time, and resources to completely get out of debt, whether it’s an unpaid mortgage, loans, or credit card balance.

At Florida Bankruptcy Attorneys, we understand the gravity of facing debt, and we believe no one has to deal with it alone. Debt often entails filing for bankruptcy or applying for debt management plans. If you’re looking for a highly experienced Daytona Beach debt attorney who can provide all the legal services you need for managing your debts or bankruptcy, you’ve come to the right place.

Florida Bankruptcy Attorneys is a top-notch law firm providing comprehensive and exceptional legal services for the people of Daytona Beach, FL. We are well-equipped with all the resources, expertise, and knowledge necessary to provide our clients with efficient legal services.

Call Florida Bankruptcy Attorneys at (352) 747-8681 for your Free Consultation!

Stellar Bankruptcy Legal Services

debt management programFiling for bankruptcy remains one of the most common legal directions that people and businesses take to overcome overwhelming debt. At Florida Bankruptcy Attorneys, we have experts for the most common types of bankruptcies: Chapter 7 or liquidation bankruptcy, Chapter 13 or wage earners bankruptcy, and Chapter 11 or business reorganization.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy primarily involves court orders that sell or auction a person or business’s assets and use the proceeds to pay back their debts. The properties that can be liquidated depend on exempt laws. On the other hand, Chapter 13 bankruptcy mainly involves reorganizing a person or a business’s financial conditions. Individuals file for Chapter 13 because they don’t want to lose their properties, and they still have a stable source of income.

Certain businesses can file for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. But typically, the best course of action for a company is to file for a business reorganization bankruptcy or Chapter 11. This type enables companies to have better control over how they plan to pay back their creditors. They can either sell their assets or negotiate a stable payment plan with the court and their creditors. Furthermore, with a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, businesses can continue their financial operations, such as paying their employees or suppliers for products, despite the bankruptcy filing.

All these courses of action to repay debt under a chapter bankruptcy must be approved by the court. Evidence of capability and asset value must be presented before the court so that creditors can make sure that the debt will be paid. All required asset listings and financial records must be compiled and submitted to the court. Discussions and negotiations will be made with the creditors and trustee in order to have a payment plan that satisfies all parties involved. In these activities, you will need an expert by your side.

Florida Bankruptcy Attorneys can provide you with a first-rate Daytona Beach debt attorney to help you maneuver your case throughout the legal process smoothly and efficiently. We are here to help you make the best decisions based on our experience and legal expertise. We can represent you in court, before your creditors, to make sure that your interests will be justly fought for. All your debt and bankruptcy management needs can be addressed by Florida Bankruptcy Attorneys.

First-Rate Legal Services for Debt Management

pink piggybank with a few coinsConsultations, court representations, paperwork, negotiations—your Daytona Beach debt attorney from Florida Bankruptcy Attorneys is ready to provide all the legal services you will need to get rid of your debt.

With our extensive experience handling many debt cases of people and businesses from all walks of life, we are confident that we have what it takes to provide the aggressive, compassionate, and professional legal services you need. Get your life back on track in no time with Florida Bankruptcy Attorneys, the leading law firm in Daytona Beach.

Let’s Talk – Free Consultation

Daytona Beach Debt Attorney oldham smith logo 300x118If you’re interested in our services, we’d be happy to begin working with you through a free consultation session with one of our top Daytona Beach debt attorneys. We want to take a closer look at your situation and find out the best solutions on your behalf. Let us help you get your financial life back on track!

Contact us today and let’s find ways to get rid of your debt as soon as possible!

Call Florida Bankruptcy Attorneys at (352) 747-8681 for your Free Consultation!